These days, most qualified experts agree that making a purchase online is as safe as buying by phone. But takes extra steps to help keep your information safe.
HSN helps fight potential security threats with a technology called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). SSL verifies that the party receiving your information is who it claims to be. This technology also encrypts your information before it is sent to us, making it virtually impossible for anyone other than to read it.
When in your shopping cart, or other pages containing personal information, a lock or key symbol will appear somewhere near the bottom of your browser window – indicating that SSL encryption is activated.The “http” in the web address will also be replaced by “https” – where the “s” indicates security.
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If you do not wish to have a cookie on your system, you can set your browser preferences to refuse them. In order to disable cookies, please consult your browser’s help section for instructions. Keep in mind that if you disable cookies, functionality on as well as other sites may be limited.